Make mailto: links work for you!

Joomla 3.x Plugin release

  • Joomla! Mailto:Webmail BETA

    $10 $5   USD
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Top Features

  • Easily configured. Decide which webmail services your mailto links will display in smooth drop-down menu.
  • Choose from Gmail, Hotmail/Live/Outlook, Yahoo, AOL, Netscape and users default mailto: action.
  • Handles all additional fields for a mailto: action. Passes Subject, Body, CC and BCC
  • Set dropdown to appear on hover in addition to click.
  • Easily style the drop-down with a custom class name.
  • Stop the plugin from affecting specific links with a "Stop" class you define.
  • Want to maintain mailto: function except for specific links? Set the trigger to something like "webmailto:"
  • Create custom code to include with or instead of the default webmail links.
  • Custom coding allows your site name, article title or article URL to be in the subject or body of email.


See the Joomla Plugin in action by clicking on the mailto link in next sentence.
In the code <a href=""> looks like Jane Example inline with a paragraph that continues with several lines around it, notice the plugin only affects actual hyperlinks. 

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