Reasons for Change

In 2017, we converted an old WordPress site into a Shopify CMS. A large part of the project was integrating her blogger posts to reside under one domain.

By building a custom node server we were able to scrape large archives of blogger posts and original WordPress posts to import those in the Shopify site using post-structure. All the links were then updated to point to the new Shopify blog categories.

We connected the retail-backend inventory system with Shopify ecommerce platform using a third-party plugin.

Wordpress Site New Shopify Migration Responsive Mobile Design

Project Assessment

We met with the owner, Trish Tacoma for face-to-face consults in the spring of 2017. She wanted a full website redesign. We provided a few mock-ups of possible site layouts and designs and customized those to suit the Smoking Lily brand. We were very proud to create a beautiful site for a local, eco-friendly thriving business like Smoking Lily.