We provide Hosting at a sliding scale price to clients involved in Social Justice, Environmental or Social Enterprise projects at $60/yr ($200/yr regular rate) which includes SSL Certificates, bi-monthly long life backups and professional server administration on our own Canadian VPS.


Coming Soon...

  1. StopHarper.org J2.5 to J3.4 migration with our Letter Campaign Webapp
  2. RecallHarper.ca New Launch with our Meme Creator Webapp
  3. Open Community Calendar System with an Environmentalism and Social Justice focus to bring grassroots groups together
  4. Social Justice Search Engine to separate the chaff from the valuable content and information

This is a list of website projects in which we donated or bartered 100% of our services.

  • Social Environmental Alliance

  • Tetla

    • The tetla is like a new kind of currency for a new economy.

  • NH3.tech

    • Take a 26min crash course to learn how air, water and clean energy are easily combined to create a liquid carbon free fuel that can operate in special ceramic fuel cells that do not require any rare earth minerals as well runs in diesel and gas internal combustion engines.
    • Completely clean and stabe emissions and more hydrogen rich than liquid hydrogen not to mention easier to handle.
    • You'll wonder why this century old technology isn't the flagship of our energy policies today especially since it is already mass produced globally to make fertilizer, refrigeration working fluid and high energy explosives.
  • PAOV - Peoples Assembly of Victoria

    • Peoples Assembly of Victoria is an organization that evolved out of Occupy Victoria, please sign up for our weekly newsletter for local activist events and news of interest.
  • Votesplit.org

    • Vote splitting is an electoral effect in which the distribution of votes among multiple similar candidates reduces the chance of winning for any of the similar candidates, and increases the chance of winning for a dissimilar candidate.
    • We built an interactive javascript based Webapp to show how many votes it took historically to sway the Provincial elections in BC and made a prediction that it would happen again...it did.  
    • The final 2013 vote count showed that approximately 4400 from the 3rd place party left leaning party across 12 electoral districts would have been enough to dramatically sway the election to the 2nd place left leaning party.
  • VMDC - Victoria May Day Celebration

    • May 1st is set aside in most countries around the world as International Labour Day. The Victoria May Day Committee continues to work towards a meaningful marking of this occasion and its importance to the international working class.
  • Victoria Labour Council Solidarity Committee

    • This website attempts to bring relevant news regarding local, provincial, national and international union groups as well as related social justice news of our non-unionized working class brothers and sisters.